Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Congress Is The Most Powerful Group Of Politicians Within...

The United States congress is the most powerful group of politicians within the Governmental system under the United States Constitution. Congress is the glue that holds the United States together upholding its roles and responsibilities detailed in the Constitution on a daily basis. Which so much power Congress members are held in high regard for what they do, Congress’ main responsibly stems from making laws to declaring war. With all this power and responsibility you would assume that there would be no room for congress to make mistakes or even be dysfunctional. Due to high egos and self-centered politicians, congress has become very dysfunctional,and heavy-handed over the years. As well as the shortcuts Congress members have maneuvered†¦show more content†¦Another major issues is party dominance in each house and its relation to the President. Congress members are elected individually and not by party. For example, If many Democratic’s win seats in the Sena te, then the Senate is controlled by the Democrats and Vice Versa for the Republicans. However, the issue is deeper than just one House being controlled by one specific party. Imagine a Democratic Controlled Senate and a Republican controlled House of Representatives all under a Democratic President. This is precisely the issue that President Barack Obama has been faced with over the past 8 years, but he had to deal with both chambers being Republican Controlled. This made his job a whole lot harder, he was constantly faced with having to fight Congress to pass bills and laws under which he oversaw legislature. To this day Congress continues to beat him down and is determined have him as merely a statistic by not passing his ObamaCare Act. Congress can also be seen as dysfunctional due to the constitution. When the constitution was drafted it was to govern the country for that period of time, to this day some of the same rules of the constitution are being enforced many consists of the procedures in which congress functions. These procedures sometimes make it difficult to pass laws through the House and Senate as they cause a blockage in a modern system. But in order to modify it, majority of the members have to be in agreement of the amendment. Many

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